Thursday, June 23, 2005

A Young Pupil of Mine

Hi, all! Well, it's been a while, I know, but pharmacy school does take its toll...

Anyway, I was floored by Revenge of the Sith (got to see it opening day!) and was inspired by the duel scene at the end, particularly Ewan's performance.

(Anyone who knows me well knows I have a....serious screen crush on Ewan McGregor! *sigh*)

OK, back on goes....


With a small wave of his hand, Obi-Wan closed the door to the small storage compartment he had decided to stow away in. For some time he simply sat there, mind numb and unable to think. Dimly, he was aware that as his hands rested upon his lap, they were shaking uncontrollably.

//How could this be happening?// he thought, his mind twisting with anguish. //How could it be Anakin?//

Before Obi-Wan knew what was happening, wracking sobs had overtaken his body, and the tiny part of his brain still capable of rational thought thanked the Force that the compartment he was in was soundproof. Unbidden memories began to drift before Obi-Wan in his mind’s eye; thirteen years worth of friendship, laughter, tears, and brotherhood.

Obi-Wan saw, as clearly as if it were happening before his very eyes, a ten year old boy looking up at him fearfully, depending upon him for strength. He saw an awkward teenager, amazingly strong yet still uncertain. He saw a confident young man, fighting by his side and wielding the Force with exceptional skill. Above all the memories, however, came words that haunted Obi-Wan and would for years to come.

“You are strong and wise, Anakin, and I am very proud of you. I have trained you since you were a small boy. I have taught you everything I know. And you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be.”

Obi-Wan’s sobs ceased as he remembered saying these words, and he went ominously still. Something new was pulsing through his veins now and it was beyond sorrow or tears; it was betrayal. It seeped into his blood like hot poison and fogged his mind with a white haze.

//Thirteen years; how could he just throw away thirteen years?//

It made no sense to Obi-Wan, and yet the image of Anakin spilling innocent blood would not be banished. His head began to spin and he felt his mind slipping into the gathering darkness within him. Instinctively, desperately, he reached for the Force, trying to center himself as he had always done. He knew he would need all his focus in the upcoming ordeal. At first, all he felt was the bleak, barren, cold of the ever-growing dark side. His desperation reached a fever pitch, and for several horrifying moments he was afraid he would not find his center once more.

Then, unexpectedly, the bright presence of Padme and the life growing within her seemed to fill the Jedi master’s mind. It cleared the dense haze from his brain and helped restore his tranquility, his calm. He focused on those radiant presences within the Force and gradually his breathing slowed, his muscles relaxed, and he prepared himself for the confrontation he knew lay ahead.

He felt the ship slow, then the unmistakable thud of the landing gear meeting solid ground. Opening the door silently, Obi-Wan made his way slowly along the corridor of the luxurious ship. By the time he reached the hallway adjacent to the entrance ramp, he could hear two voices raised in heated conversation, which he immediately identified as Anakin and Padme’s.

“-I've done it for you. To protect you.” Obi-Wan could not fail to hear the fear in Padme’s reply.

“Come away with me. Help me raise our child. Leave everything else behind while we still can!”

“Don't you see, we don't have to run away anymore. I have brought peace to the Republic. I am more powerful than the Chancellor. I can overthrow him, and together you and I can rule the galaxy. Make things the way we want them to be.” Obi-Wan was startled to hear his own name enter the conversation.

“I don't believe what I'm hearing . . . Obi-Wan was right. You've changed.”

//You don’t know how much I wanted to be wrong, Padme.// Anakin was speaking once more.

“I don't want to hear any more about Obi-Wan. The Jedi turned against me. Don't you turn against me.” Obi-Wan could hear the cold menace in his apprentice’s-former apprentice’s- voice. Padme’s desperate pleading echoed Obi-Wan’s own turmoil.

“I don't know you anymore. Anakin, you're breaking my heart. You’re going down a path I can't follow.” At this, Obi-Wan made his way to the entrance ramp proper. He could see Anakin, eyes ablaze with rage and resentment.

“Because of Obi-Wan?”

“Because of what you've done! What you plan to do. Stop, stop now. Come back! I love you.”

Obi-Wan saw Anakin’s eyes raise to meet his own. It took all of Obi-Wan’s experience and training to keep his gaze level with the man standing there. It looked like Anakin, but he did not recognize the eyes. The eyes looking back at him were foreign, cold, and empty.

“Liar!” rang through the air, seeming to rise above them, a damning accusation. Padme whirled, glancing fleetingly and fearfully at Obi-Wan.


“You're with him. You've betrayed me! You brought him here to kill me!”

Before Obi-Wan could move, before he could do anything at all, Anakin’s hand had shot out, enclosing Padme’s throat in a vice-like grip generated by the dark side. Padme could not even make a sound.

“Let her go, Anakin,” Obi-Wan called, his voice ringing and imbued with the Force. “Let her go!!” Releasing Padme savagely, Anakin watched as she crumpled, limp, to the ground.

“You turned her against me!” Anakin yelled, his eyes alight with an insane fire as he began pacing like a wild animal.

“You have done that yourself,” Obi-Wan said, his voice clear and strong even as his blue-silver eyes betrayed his bewilderment.

“You will not take her from me!” Removing his cloak Obi-Wan calmly replied, his voice didactic yet powerful.

“Your anger and your lust for power have already done that.” As he spoke, he slowly circled around Anakin, making his way toward the unconscious Padme.

“You have allowed this Dark Lord to twist your mind until now . . . until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.” Kneeling, Obi-Wan gently placed a hand on Padme’s temple. She was alive, but weak…very weak. Anakin spoke, his back turned to the older man.

“Don't lecture me, Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do. I have brought peace, justice, freedom, and security to my new Empire.” Obi-Wan got to his feet, his voice laced with incredulity as he spoke.

“Your new Empire?”

“Don't make me kill you,” Anakin replied, a palpable disdain in every word. Obi-Wan stared at Anakin’s back, his anger rising.

“Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic ... to democracy!”

“If you're not with me, you're my enemy,” Anakin said, his back still turned. Obi-Wan calmed himself once more as he took a deep breath.

“Only a Sith Lord deals in absolutes.” Obi-Wan now knew that the moment he had been dreading had finally come. Slowly, he reached for his lightsaber and ignited it, taking a defensive posture as he did so. “I will do what I must.” Anakin’s reply was haughty, overconfident.

“You will try.”

Anakin lunged at Obi-Wan, and there was no more time for words. The two blades crashed against each other with crushing force, blindingly fast. It was unlike anything Obi-Wan had ever experienced. He had trained Anakin for years, and he knew every one of the younger man’s strengths and weaknesses. Anakin, in turn, knew each of his. On they fought, out into the brutal heat of the lava planet. Molten earth flowed around them and rained down upon them, but they hardly noticed. The fight seemed to go on interminably, neither man gaining the upper hand. The heat continued to build, the mining platforms around them disintegrating even as they continued to duel upon them.

Jumping onto one of the shielded platforms above a river of lava, Obi-Wan waited for Anakin to follow. In short order, of course, he did. Taking a deep, cleansing, breath, Obi-Wan raised his lightsaber in front of him for a moment. He let himself fall into the flow of the Force, and felt the darkness closing in on him once more. Nodding resignedly, Obi-Wan looked into the eyes of the man who had once been his best friend.

“I have failed you, Anakin. I have failed you.”

“I should have known the Jedi were plotting to take over!” Obi-Wan tried once again, desperately, to make Anakin understand. The teacher in him, it seemed, would not be silenced.

“Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil!!”

“From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!” This reply staggered Obi-Wan, and he answered reflexively.

“Well, then you are lost!”

It took several moments for Obi-Wan to fully understand the implications of these words but when he did, a cold desolation gripped him. Once and for all he was forced to accept that only one of them, master or apprentice, would walk away from this. As if in confirmation of this realization, Anakin’s words broke into the older man’s thoughts.

“This is the end for you, my Master.”

Obi-Wan saw the hatred in Anakin’s eyes, and there was no doubt in his mind that Anakin would kill him…if he allowed it. Obi-Wan Kenobi was not an easy man to kill, and it was a lesson that his former apprentice would learn the hard way.

Flipping over the younger man’s head onto solid ground, Obi-Wan called back toward his opponent. It was a last desperate plea, a plea that could be seen in the Jedi master’s eyes.

“It's over, Anakin! I have the high ground.” Once again, the insane fire lit the eyes of the younger man.

“You underestimate my power!”

//Don’t do it, Anakin//Obi-Wan thought, //I’ve taught you better than that!// Images played themselves within Obi-Wan’s mind again, lessons about the advantages of the high ground in combat. The master tried, one last time, to reach the apprentice.

“Don't try it.”

The dark side, however, had a powerful hold.

//No!!// Obi-Wan thought as Anakin arced through the air. Obi-Wan had no options left, no recourse.

Spinning deftly, Obi-Wan cut an arc through the air with his lightsaber which separated Anakin’s legs from his body. Obi-Wan watched as Anakin struggled to keep himself from sliding into the river of lava below him. He felt hot tears slide down his face. His world seemed to bend and shatter around him, and he knew he would never be the same from this moment forward. All the grief, all the anger within him poured out, and his voice was hoarse as he spoke.

“You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them. That you would bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!”

Tears still streaming down his face, he picked up Anakin’s lightsaber. It was the weapon and symbol of a Jedi knight. The man it had belonged to did not deserve to wield it any longer. As Obi-Wan turned to walk up the small slope above him, Anakin’s voice stopped him in his tracts.

“I hate you!” There was no answer Obi-Wan could give but the painful, simple, truth.

“You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you.”

Obi-Wan continued walking as the man who had been his apprentice, along with his old life, became consumed by the molten earth.


Friday, November 26, 2004

First post of a long Episode III treatment...

Hi, all, Happy Thanksgiving (belatedly)! Well, I've been given a proverbial kick in the....well, you know, by my best friend (hey, Kel!) to update this, so here goes...

This is part one of what I originally began as a very short scene I imagined would appear in Episode III, but turned out to be basically a complete treatment for the film...I have to admit, it wouldn't have turned into much if it hadn't been for the encouragement I got over at

OK, without any further ado, here goes...



The simple, one-man fighter touched down on one of the more obscure landing pads that was scattered intermittently throughout the traffic lanes of Coruscant. A lone figure stood waiting, a woman. She was of medium height, with brown hair and eyes, and dressed simply. However, the ordinary appearance of the woman belied her true nature, for she was not only intelligent, resourceful, and kind, but she was also not a woman one would want as an enemy.

Her name was Padmè Amidala Skywalker, and as she watched the mysterious ship land, she began walking forward to meet it’s occupant. Though one would be unlucky to be Padmè’s enemy, luck seemed to be on the side of the ship’s only occupant, who was one of her dearest friends. The figure exiting the ship, however, felt anything but lucky. For he had just been through what he would recall in later years to be the most devastating encounter of his entire life.

As Obi-Wan Kenobi opened the canopy of his Jedi starfighter and descended to the ground, images of the last 24 hours began assailing him; the rage on the face of his padawan-no, former padawan-and that thought stopped him in his mental tracks, though his steps didn’t falter. Could his beloved padawan, Anakin Skywalker, really be gone? Who was the person he had just seen? It was not the exuberant, sometimes cocky padawan he had spent the last 12 years training. The red of Anakin’s saber which, even if he closed his eyes, seemed to bore into the back of his eyelids like the memories were now boring into his mind.

Quickly, so as not to alarm Padmè, Obi-Wan took a deep breath and, with much difficulty, restored his calm.

“Obi-Wan, I’m so relieved to see you!”,Padmè said. Then looking around, she said, “but where is Anakin?” At the mention of the name, Obi-Wan inwardly flinched, realizing that Padmè would naturally want to hear about her husband before anything else.

“Padmè, I think we’d better go somewhere where we can talk in private”, said Obi-Wan, realizing for the first time how hoarse his voice sounded, even in his own ears.

“Of course, we’ll go to my apartment right now”, she said, and they made their way into the massive Senatorial apartment complex.

OK, so that was just the setup...more to come soon...later, all!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Memory, a missing scene from A New Hope

So, here's where my love for Star Wars met up with my love for Linkin Park, one of my favorite bands. Their song, Forgotten, inspired this short missing scene from A New Hope. Here goes...

As the small, beat up ship sped away from the dust ball some called a planet, Luke Skywalker found a tiny nook in which to curl up and think about all he had just seen, all he had just been through. It seemed impossible that yesterday he had been nothing but an ordinary teenager; doing chores, studying, fighting with his uncle.

Sighing, Luke fought back the tears that threatened, once again, to fall. The image of blackened stone and rubble that had once been his home invaded his mind and would not be banished. What horrified Luke, though, what filled him with rage was the sight of charred bone; the only remains of his beloved aunt and uncle. It was so utterly senseless, the way they were murdered, and it was beyond anything in Luke's experience. One phrase seemed to pound against Luke's brain; the Empire.

It was the Empire that had taken his family from him, and if it was the last thing Luke did, he would make sure they paid.What was he doing? Was he crazy to have agreed to this? He wasn't sure if he could be a Jedi. He wasn't sure of anything anymore. His own words, like a specter, seemed to haunt him. "It looks like I'm going nowhere."

That was where this ship seemed to be taking him. Nowhere. The faith that Ben had in him seemed misplaced somehow. The stories Luke had always heard about his father were so extraordinary, so larger than life. How could he, a painfully ordinary farm boy, ever compare?

"You picked the wrong person for this, Ben", Luke whispered.

As if summoned by his thoughts, Luke heard Ben's quiet footsteps in the hallway. Quickly wiping the final stray tears from his face, Luke stood up as Ben and he came face to face. There was a sadness in Ben's wizened eyes as he gazed at Luke; as if he, too, had once suffered the loss of a loved one. With a grace Luke didn't expect from someone Ben's age, he dropped to the floor and motioned for Luke to sit next to him.

For some time the two simply sat there and Luke, despite himself, felt comforted by the presence of the kind, wizened old man his aunt and uncle always seemed suspicious of. A thread of tension always seemed to grip his uncle at the mention of his name, and Luke never understood why. Perhaps he never would. Finally, Ben spoke into Luke's thoughts, his voice low and filled with sympathy.

"I'm so sorry about your aunt and uncle, Luke. They were good people who loved you, and they didn't deserve what happened to them." Luke nodded silently, not trusting himself to speak. After several long moments, Ben spoke once more. "Talk to me, Luke." Luke took a deep breath, and when he spoke, his voice was a whisper.

"You wouldn't think very highly of me if I told you what was in my head right now." Ben smiled ruefully.

"Try me." Luke's bright blue eyes suddenly became icy, his face hardening into angry lines.

"Revenge. I want the people responsible to pay for what they've done." Luke turned toward Ben, locking gazes with the older man. "I want them to suffer."

Ben nodded. "That's completely understandable after what you've just been through." Luke stared at Ben, surprised. "I just have one question, Luke." Luke nodded, inviting Ben to continue. "Why?"

Luke was taken aback for a moment. He hadn't expected the question. Luke lowered his eyes, lost in thought. After several long moments, Luke spoke again.

"It's not fair. My aunt and uncle raised me since I was a baby. We didn't always get along, and I could be a real pain sometimes. My aunt was always playing peacemaker between my uncle and me. It couldn't have been easy, but she had the biggest heart of anyone I ever knew." As Luke continued to speak, he felt hot tears flow down his face, heard his voice break. "I guess I always knew my uncle just wanted the best for me, but I just had this idea in my head, this dream of being a pilot like my father. I could never understand why my uncle didn't see how much it meant to me." Silence hung in the air for several long moments before Ben broke it.

"I think your uncle just wanted to keep you close, Luke. He wanted you safe." Luke shrugged.

"I guess so. He did always seem kind of protective of me. It was as if he expected someone to just sweep in one day and take me away."

Ben said nothing, but stared intently at Luke. It would be a long time before Luke learned just how much truth his statement held. Ben took a deep breath, then put a comforting arm around Luke's shoulders.

"Your uncle loved you very much, Luke, and so did your aunt. You loved them, too, and it's not fair that they were taken from you the way they were." Ben turned then and locked gazes with Luke. "I understand why you want revenge, Luke, believe me I do. I haven't admitted this to anyone, but there was a time I wanted vengeance. I thought if I had it, it would make what happened right; that it would make it less painful. Trust me, Luke, revenge won't take the pain away; it won't give you closure, or absolution." Luke said nothing for a long time, and Ben simply gazed at the young man with his sharp blue-gray eyes. "What is it you're not telling me, Luke?" Ben finally said. When Luke spoke, his voice was low and hoarse.

"My-my uncle and I fought before..." Luke trailed off. "I never got to tell him that I'm sorry, that I didn't mean to be so difficult." Luke's vivid blue eyes were downcast, his eyes closed in anguish. Once more, Ben placed a comforting arm around the younger man's shoulders.

"He knew, Luke. He knew."

Suddenly the grief Luke had been working so hard to supress finally flooded out, and he found himself sobbing. Ben simply tightened his arm around Luke, waiting patiently for the tears to subside. Wiping his eyes with his sleeve, Luke finally broke the heavy silence.

"I know I asked to come with you, Ben, but I'm not sure I can do this." Luke looked at Ben, pain lacing his voice as he spoke. "What if I don't have what it takes to be a Jedi, Ben? I'm nothing like my father." Ben smiled, his eyes lost in memory.

"You don't know how wrong you are, Luke. Your father came from humble beginnings, like you. Like you, he wasn't sure what kind of future was in store for him. But he became a Jedi knight, and one of my best friends. Listen to me, Luke. Only you can decide to become a Jedi or not. That choice is yours and yours alone. But I can tell you this. I see a lot of your father in you, the best of him, as a matter of fact. If this is the path you choose to take, I have no doubt you'll succeed. This is not a decision to make lightly, though, Luke; it takes thought and reflection." Ben stood and Luke followed suit. "I'm going to wait in the lounge. Take some time alone, Luke, and whatever your decision I'll understand."

With that, Ben left Luke alone with his thougts. It was some time before Luke joined Ben. He sat next to the older man, taking his new lightsaber off of his belt. Ben looked at Luke quizzically, who simply smiled.

"So when do I get to learn how to use this thing?"


Star Wars and me

Hi, all, my name is Anna. This is a blog all about my Star Wars fandom where I'll be posting some Star Wars fanfiction I've written and, hopefully, some new writing as well. A little about myself...I'm twenty one, a pharmacy school student, and a big Star Wars fan (can't wait until May '05!!)

I started writing fan fiction a while back on a great website called ( a must visit site for any SW fan!) My best friend, Kelly (hey, hun!) started a blog of her own and so I thought I might as well try my hand at it!

I'll be putting up the first piece soon, so stay tuned and, of course....

May the Force be with you!!